“It was February 2020, and the pandemic had just begun. I was working from home, looked out at my property, and realized my beautiful woodlands were slowly getting strangled by a relentless invasion of non-native plants – aka invasives. I was almost in tears when I decided to reach out to Dan Holmes to see what we could do to remedy the noxious weeds. Determined to reclaim the beauty of my woodlands, we decided to clear the area and plant a wildflower meadow to support the pollinators. I’m happy to say my yard is now lush and thriving with bees, butterflies, and a beautiful color palette of gorgeous flowers. It is easy to maintain, brings me endless joy, and colors my world!”

False sunflowers reaching for the sky.

Spectacular blooms line this meandering meadow pathway.

Eupatorium hyssopifolium (Hyssop leaved bonneset) – in full bloom for pollinators, butterflies, and other beneficial insects.

The perfect mix of native plants and perennials.

An explosion of purple Monarda (Bee Balm) begins.

A stunning patch of purple natives.

The pastoral view from the house.

The vibrant colors of fall in the meadow.
This visual blog is the perfect, example of the beauty and balance that a meadow brings to people and pollinators alike.
Interested in seeing if a meadow is right for your own landscape?
Reach out to us at 203-270-3331.